Friday, December 30, 2011

Okay, fine. We've become addicted.

There are a few reactions that come into play when thinking about one of your favorite spin instructor's last day.


Michelle and I received some horrifying news. And tonight when we stopped to think about our fitness future without her, Michelle threw herself off the couch to the floor and I commenced shortness of breath and light headedness.

This is one of those things that you wouldn't understand unless you have attended all of our spin classes for the last 2 months.

Lets be honest, exercise, when you have to do it to lose weight can really suck. But when you have awesome motivators by your side, it can make it so much fun. And if you know us, you know we don't stop talking about our spin classes "rapido! rapido! faster! faster! don't cheat yourself! push yourself! this is not a ride in the park! this is spin class!"

Cat and Carla, our spin instructors, have been two major motivators these last 2-1/2 months which we are so grateful for. Whether it was just their job or they really cared, they pushed us so much farther than I ever imagined I could go. Mish and I have lost at least 10lbs in that time (if not more) and those results have been even more motivating.

I know Cat will still give us beatings...

but we are losing Carla from our successful routine and this is some serious saddness - and much luck to her because she is moving on to something she really loves - Which will be and has already started to be my focus and motivation for the new year - doing something i really love.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

and a partridge in a pear tree.

I have not posted since before thanksgiving. SHAME on me.

Listen, i won't bore you with the details of thanksgiving and christmas. I'll just put it to you this way:

food, shopping, stressing, spinning, stressing, shopping, wrapping, spinning, wrapping, spinning, shopping, stressing, cleaning, spinning, presents, food, presents, food, presents, food, spinning, standing on scale, crying, spinning.

Note: there was no sleeping.

And here we are, just a few days before 2012! Gosh. the year has just flown, let me give you a recap of events:

Our wedding, astoria, bridal shower, bridal shower, bridal shower, bridal shower, bridal shower, bachelorette party, bachelorette party, bachelorette party, weddings, weddings, new jobs, weddings, babies, weddings, weddings, babies, weddings, babies, thanksgiving, christmas.

Now here are some philosophical thoughts.

I have a resolution, i am not going to share it, but I've seen a lot happen over the last few years of my life and i realize that life is not worth living without goals. A goal that really means something to you. Setting the bar for yourself, high enough to reach of course, but with a challenge.

I haven't always been ambitious. I was a shy, timid, quiet kid who has a million talents that are just going to waste.

I've got speed now, like you know, pedaling uphill and you hit your stride and you're going faster than you ever thought you could with all the resitance against you? and I've got ambition. I have to thank my wife for this. She has tried to push my bike uphill for years.

She reached a personal goal this morning and i couldn't be happier for her. And she worked hard. beyond hard. and it didn't happen overnight, but it certainly was worth the wait.

I'm not thrilled that i got philosophical, cause its just plain cheesy, on the brink of 2012, but i just had to be me. I had to say it all because it was on my mind.

Now, go find something to live for - set a goal - GO!