Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Yesterday morning my coworkers and I were discussing my weight loss goals and when I told them where id like to be by April 27th one of them asked me "have you ever been at that weight before?" and i said "maybe when i was in like 5th grade" and she pointed out "so you don't even know what you're going to look like!?"

and then i had a mini inner freak out moment.

My entire life i'd been told "omg what a gorgeous face!" Even though this comes off as half an insult to a fat girl, i would ride this wave of flattery and i'd ride it for as long as i could - after all, my hair and my face were all i really had as a first impression (so sad) before i opened my mouth, which if you know me well, you know i can be shy and quiet at times.

So now i'm like omg, is this weight loss thing going to have to bring an adjustment in my physical appearance?

Mirror, mirror on the wall, i thought i'd be the fairest of them all! will the lesson of its whats on the inside that counts continue to haunt me? Cause b*tch, i am SICK and tired of trying to show my insides to get me more credit. I'd thought this becoming thin thing would be my ticket to anything i wanted in life....Being fat sucks in the society aspect of things.

Or maybe...its my insecurities that's made it suck.

Michelle Cast will tell me my size has never kept me from being who i am or getting things i want. Michelle Cast has a supersize order of confidence.

I think i have a lot of things to work on besides losing the poundage. Losing the poundage is probably the "easiest" of them all. we all know learning the truth about our inner selves and fixing that is the hardest....this blog is a real bummer.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2 girls, 2 yoga mats and a cat.

This is a workout in the Cast household.

We decide after a long day of running around that we’d do some 30 day shred workout.

First things first – Amber could be sleeping in the deepest depths of the earth but when she hears Jillian Michaels on the TV she is awake and on the prowl.

Our livingroom is big for a Queens apartment but once you fit in 2 yoga mats and 2 girls doing jump jacks – I mean we make it work but there isn’t room for 2 girls, 2 yoga mats, jumping jacks and a cat.

Amber does her own workout when we do our workout. Although, she is most of the time, phoning it in.

When we are down on the yoga mats doing abs, she rolls onto her back and does her stretching.

When we do jumping jacks, she lays smack in the middle of the rug, stares up at us with jealous eyes wishing she could do the same.

I am suddenly imagining her with a sweatband around her little head and little wrist bands around her paws.

She swats at my hand weights, sits on the yoga mats while they are not in use.

She finds her toy mouse and swats it across the workout floor aka livingroom just beating each step of our butt-kicks. How she does it, i'll never know.

Last night i felt the need to do my own modified workout of this DVD. My arms hurt so bad i couldn't lift them over my head. So while michelle was using hand weights and working lower body at the same time, i was only doing squats. And while michelle was doing full on jumping jacks, i was just kicking my feet out.

Needless to say i thought this workout was going to be a bust. Surprisingly, all of my body hurts today! YAY!! and i thought i was phoning it in!

Then we ate the soup we made. The soup made me feel like 4 thousand lbs. but it was good! i'm skipping the soup tonight.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Did you just drink bad milk?

The gym's people watching quality is at its peak these days with all the Resolutioners in attendance. These people could be ones who have had memberships and are resolving to finally put their money to good use, or there are the newbies.

Being a newbie at our gym is hard. We were not so thrilled by the response of regulars to us. First of all, we weren't Resolutioners so we should've been welcomed differently. Second of all, yeah. that's all.

So what is difficult is everyone has a face on, the regulars. Everyone. I don't know if its because no one wants to be there really?...or they just have faces on. Like they drank curdled milk type faces.

The Resolutioners/newbies: hanging around in old sweats, beat up sneakers, thought they could just come here and shelp around because A) they belonged to Planet Fitness previously and never attended except on free pizza night or B) they are Resolutioners and the last time they worked out was with Jane Fonda, when Jane Fonda was young.

The newbies look around at the curdled milk faces who push and shove in the locker room, who hold weight equipment and spin bikes with a singular bottle, which could be empty or full or just from the garbage, who are all fancy with their fancy gym pants, tank tops and fashionable sneakers, who use the sauna, jacuzzi, shower and hair dryer in the locker room and who talk to Maria, the locker room attendant and are jealous that Maria is nice to the regulars and not the newbies.

The regulars are also interesting. The women at least. I witnessed this conversation quite a few times in the past week:

"oh! you haven't been in class lately! where HAVE you been?" woman wrapped in towel and wet hair says to woman who just arrived (please note, these are all voices with accents because we live in the most diverse neighborhood known to man)

"Oh yeah, i know, know. I need to change it up"

"Oh you've been missing such good classes" woman in towel persisting to make sure the other one feels fat and lazy.

Why do women do this?

"are you going to spin? what are you doing tonight?" Woman half way out the door says to another

"yeah i'm going, are you?"

"NO. UGH. Didn't you hear? the schedule is all changed" (please add 15x's the attitude when reading, like what is this woman's problem!?)

"Oh really? i'm still going to go"

"I don't know why you would."

SERIOUSLY!? these people aren't even real friends! Stop drinking curdled milk and spreading your disgust around!! No one cares! And to the woman in the towel, keep it on! because i didn't need to see your bare ass for the 15 minutes it took me to get to my locker, load my locker, adjust my heart rate monitor strap and get out of the corner i was shoved into by other women in towels!!!

Then, we're out in the field, as i like to call it. Out of the locker room.

There is one woman who does abs all night, i swear. She jumps from the treadmill to the ab machine and she does it all for hours with her hair down.

My other favorite, the girls in full length, skin tight, head to toe (or shall i say breast to calf) leotard onesies. You're just ASKING, BEGGING to be objectified by EVERY guy in the gym. and i guess that's just what they are there for.

But then there is Tamale. She is what i strive to be. Tamale is hot, and michelle agrees, don't let her fool you!! Obvs we named her Tamale. She wears these awesome sweatpants that are baggy but fit her waist perfectly and then she wears a ribbed tank. CLASSIC gym beauty. Dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin. Obviously there to work out but doesn't need to flaunt it in a onesie. And the best part about her is that she's got a gorgeous face. She's not a butter!!! I was a little self conscious one night when i saw her take our spin class, not gonna lie!

i'm sorry, was that last paragraph completely inappropriate?

I could go on literally forever on this. But i won't!

Good night :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


In the last year I've undergone so many changes. I've let go of so much hurt and pain from my past. Its kind of always been this pain and hurt that's fueled my writing. Since this new found freedom of the old me, I am at a loss for words...and a question has presented itself: Is happiness really interesting to read?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Merry Christmas! I Love My Fam."

I'm turning 30...i love my friends.

Both of these things are true. But i did not come up with this myself. I have Kris Jenner/Kardashian to thank.

I begin this blog in this way because the punchline is stuck in my head.

Little Christmas 2012.

We began the night with a Grammie special toast (for those who don't know, Grammie's drink was always a Screwdriver) but with the absence of orange juice, Cat improvised with orange soda...No matter how many times the story gets told, it never gets old, we then talk about how we were never allowed to drink Grammie's juice as kids and the one time Grammie put her screwdriver in a sippie cup and my older brother Tommy had his first run in with alcohol at like the age of 1.

We all watched Kris Jenner/Kardashian's "I Love My Friends" music video together and with no surprise it was the song of the night, filling in whatever words fit appropriately to the current situation. (if you have not seen it, youtube it so you may understand). My favorite subbed line was "I LOVE BAKED CLAMS."

Michelle received "Like" and "Dislike" stamps from Cat, honoring Michelle's ability to like virtually everything on facebook, commencing everyone being stamped at least once, if not more than once on whatever skin may have been showing (back of heads, chests, hands and wrists) even my mom stamped our 90 year old aunt with it twice.

A three round game of Catch Phrase that involved 8 - 9 family members per team where we learned married couples and twins can give each other 1 word clues and an answer can be produced, all of our moms need reading glasses to play games with us now and we also learned that Trish when it was her turn, in almost a turrets fashion, could not function through without elbowing Dena and Michelle while giving her clues.

The family member roasted the most was Aunt Cathy and the most surprising roaster was Regina. After eating two bowls of only tortellini and sitting quietly at the corner of the table, Regina got up and did an entire stand-up routine on Aunt Cathy's bizarre way of functioning with her back/leg pain which included an array of outlandish grunts, body twitching and how Aunt Cathy talks to herself about it, which we all seemed to realize Aunt Cathy was the new Grammie but the difference, as Regina pointed out is "Mommy was in pain, Grammie was just weird" which resulted in tears of rolling laughter and i'm sure somewhere in heaven Grammie was doing the same.

The most disappointing part of the night was that Regina was the only person in the house that had never seen the classic movie, A League of Their Own, but Joseph Gerard knew more about the movie than anyone...i'm still concerned about this. ;)

Weaved generously in between the toast, dinner, presents, Catch Phrase, "I Love My Friends" outbursts, Aunt Cathy grunts, "Like" stamps and reciting A League of Their Own, there was incessant reenactments and quoting of the spin class which Cat and Michelle took together on Thursday night, including Cat's commentary and raving about the instructor.

This kind of Christmas is nothing new - this is just it in all its amazing-ness - and i feel like as we get older it gets better and better. The kids took over the dining room table since we've grown with our husbands/wives/significant others too big, our parents were at the "kid table" in the kitchen. Making sure everyone was seated, we were sure to say our prayer together before we ate dinner, just like our parents taught us. in the echos of our laughter and flicker of the candlelight you can still hear our kid voices in every corner of the house from Christmases past...and Auntie Donna shouting when she's realizes after Auntie Cathy left that she stole the camel from her Nativity scene, AGAIN.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reality bites.

"heavy! heavy!" the instructor called out. "this is Spin class, this is not supposed to be easy!" dear lord, no kidding. i'd been trying to drop from the weight i was at for years. i'd ballooned up and lost, lost a lot and then ballooned up again.

"come on, keep pace, you can do it, push yourself!" The song was slow and gripping. The instant it had come on i was like ohhhh, total classic, good song!

the harder i pushed, the song pushed on and it pushed its way under my skin. The instructor told us to close our eyes and concentrate to push through the resistance. Every time i shut my eyes, it was just me, the words and the pain.

"Well in case you failed to notice, In case you failed to see, This is my heart bleeding before you, This is me down on my knees, and...These foolish games are tearing me apart, And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart. You're breaking my heart."

With my eyes shut and Jewel singing away, behind my eye lids i could only see one thing. It was me, not more than 14 or 15 years old and the words echoed through the memory

- you're going to miss out being your size. things happen in high school and being your size, its not something you'll participate in, you won't be part of that being the weight you are. -

it was so painful, the resistance, the words of the song, the vision of the memory - i heard the instructor through the memory, no longer yelling, just encouraging. tears began were streaming down my face, fast.

It hurt to watch the memory. I opened my eyes but it hurt too much to watch myself pedal. I closed my eyes again, boom, the memory replayed like a recurring bad dream in the same night. Instead of fighting it, i allowed myself to feel the pain, all over, inside and out. I let 15 year old Swee be upset and feel hurt.

I'd never cried so hard, my chest heaved. The pain in my legs didn't even exist anymore. I could listen to this song on repeat, sweat, cry and pedal this hard forever.

I finally knew it, these last 80lbs I had to lose were being held onto by this 15 year old Swee, she was stuffed inside my heart and her feeling not good enough, feeling worthless.

Reality check.

I told michelle i was inspired to write - i've been inspired to write since 8:30pm and i'm only just sitting down now at 10:54. That's because we were finishing putting christmas away.

When i told Mish that i wanted to write at this unGodly hour she asked me when i was going to start writing something real. First taken aback, i said I do write about real things. and she said not that i don't love your writing but, when are you going to start writing about something real, like piecing a story together?

Still upset by this remark (not terribly upset, just a pinch), i digested it.

So much really is stuffed inside me, like a clogged up drain (sorry, only thing that came to mind, definitely could've been a worse analogy) and I realized that its painful to write about something real.

So tonight I am going to try and tie some things together. Relevant to my life currently and maybe pull up some old sludge from the drain.

Please see the next blog post for the start.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

wake up!

It was a whirlwind of a week. Months of getting ready for the holiday season and my mother-in-law's big birthday. It was finally wrapping up. We rang in the New Year and only six hours after the turn of 2012, we were on our way to and from the airport to drop off our nephew Christopher for his early morning flight back to Florida.

Only really waking up after 2.5 hrs of sleep on the trip back from JFK with the sun just peeking above the horizon, I was going to miss Chris being around. I told Mish that I wished he was closer in distance so we could spend more time with him.

As we rounded a turn in the left lane on the grand central parkway in a blind spot appeared what instantly became my worst nightmare: headlights pointed at me, a car facing ongoing traffic in my lane, aka going in the wrong direction. At 65mph I only had about 150 feet to stop and all in a split second i had to 1) figure out if this was real, 2) figure out if it was moving or just stopped there, 3) could i avoid it? Its headlights fogging my vision in front of me, traffic zooming by to my right with nowhere to go, the odds were stacked against me and I had no choice, I slam on the breaks but i wasn't so sure we'd make it.

cutting it about 4 feet close enough to live, i immediately looked behind me. Someone was going to hit me now and I had to get out of the way. but if i left these people here, would they die? Would someone see them like i saw them? Or would there be a head on collision?

Traffic cleared after a moment and i maneuvered into the next lane and we left the scene. I prayed those people would be okay but i burst out crying.

Thankful I was still alive, I was okay with going to pick up some bagels for brunch and continue on with our life in 2012.