Sunday, November 13, 2011

To Be Continued.

Lets begin with that i have a really pretty color nail polish this week. Sexy divide it is called and I didn't know that we actually own this color (thank you michelle). Its a deep purple color and for some reason i've actually stopped biting my nails so they are like totally the perfect length (shocker). I was a nail biter for 20 years. I even filed them myself the other day.

Anyway. Poor michelle is sitting here with a really bad toothache. I don't normally blog in bed but i don't want to be away from her. I feel terrible. We just had ice cream sundaes :D shhh. don't tell anybody.

In other news, i've got a lot on my mind today. . . . and i don't normally write what is on my mind, i normally just write observations of people but today i'm writing what is on my mind (i just nodded my head to my own thoughts, michelle can attest).

our friend alyssa stayed with us this week and a few discussions got me thinking (among some other events). I am going to post this and write what i'm thinking in a separate blog (omg, To Be Continued...).